Welcome to the Pure Electric maintenance and repairs guide! Here, you will find information on how to perform routine maintenance tasks and repair various components of your electric scooter. Proper maintenance is essential for the safety and performance of your e-scooter, so be sure to address any issues as they arise. This hub provides step-by-step guides to help you care for your scooter and keep it running smoothly.

General Maintenance
How-to Guides

Wheel / Handlebar Realignment

Faced with mis-alignment between your front wheel and the handlebars on your Pure Air e-scooter? It's a quick, simple and easy fix!

What do I need?

  • A 5 or 6mm Hex Key (Allen Key) - whichever fits the bolt on your model
  • The e-scooter (turned off)
  • A safe working environment, that minimises the risk of the scooter moving/toppling

Battery Maintenance

The battery on your electric scooter is probably the most important part. All of our scooters feature lithium-ion batteries which are high performance, low weight and physically much smaller than comparable lead-acid batteries of the past. We have the following advice to maximise the life of your electric scooter battery:

  • Don’t fully deplete the charge from the battery; for the longest lifespan, research shows it’s best to store your scooter at around 90% charge.
  • Only use the official charger that was supplied with your scooter. Electric scooters’ batteries can be different in size and type, therefore, using chargers from other scooters may lead to improper charging and lasting damage.

Deep Cleaning Your Scooter

Here's how to deep clean your electric scooter in around 15 minutes.

What do I need?

  • Bucket
  • Soap/cleaner
  • Sponge
  • Brush
  • Cloth/towel
  • Spray

Key Safety Checks:

  • 1. Check tyre pressure

    2. Check wheels and handlebars turn smoothly

    3. Check any hinges for unexpected vibration or movement

    4. Look for any loosened nuts, bolts and fasteners

    5. Check lights and indicators function

  • 1. Check tyres for damage

    2. Check bell function

    3. Clean with damp cloth and inpspect for damage

    4. Check cables on product for signs of damage

    5. Check charger and cable for signs of damage

  • 1. Tighten bolts to stated torque

    2. Adjust brakes

    3. Clean with damp cloth and check for chassis & fork damage

  • 1. Check headset and wheel bearings for damage; grease where appropriate

    2. Service all folding points, regrease where appropriate